A team from the Korean University basic science developed an innovative patch for monitoring glucose levels in people with diabetes, by chemical analysis of the sweat excreted. In addition, the wearable device is equipped with microneedles, filled with medication for immediate treatment.
In addition, the wearable device is equipped with microneedles, filled with medication. Newly installed humidity sensor constantly monitors the user’s perspiration. Once the relative humidity exceeds 80%, the measurement process is started glucose and pH value. This analysis is performed using an application installed on the mobile device. On the basis of the information received the software calculates the required dose of the drug, which is injected into a diabetic built microneedle patch. For the manufacture of adhesive-applied special bracelet transparent flexible polymer, internal sensors and components made of graphene with the addition of gold.Unfortunately, until the development is at the prototype level, requires certain modifications. For example, while wearing device does not contain a daily dose of medication needed to an adult patient suffering from a disease type 2. It is also required to solve the problem with the power supply of the patch.
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